The Inner Path: Gain Control of Gluttony: Food and Otherwise

“He who is not contented with what he has, would not be contented with 
what he would like to have.” ~ Socrates

Many are familiar with the term Gluttony; to gulp down or swallow; to over-indulgence, over-consume food or drink, or things to the point of extravagance or waste.  Maybe you're really picky about your food... wanting it to be prepared just right, or in just the right amount.  For the most part, one of the biggest misunderstandings about Gluttony is that it only pertains to food.  However, for people who can't have enough toys, clothes, shoes, entertainment, sex, collections, or even company ... it's about the excess of things and stuff, including food.  Sometimes we might complain about unimportant defects in a product, the temperature in the room, or the color of a napkin.  Most people understand there is a certain amount of discomfort to be expected in life, but those who're Gluttons don't see it that way. Instead of becoming strong by suffering the minor inconveniences of life, the Glutton insists on being pampered. No one dares to point out how petty or foolish they are. In fact, some celebrities are praised for their excessive perfectionism, as though it were a virtue.

Personal Finance: Now, What Are You Going To Do With That Refund?

Hey, tax season is in full swing and getting a refund is exciting.  Many treat it as though they've won some sort of prize and then go out and spend it on a big vacation, a new entertainment system, clothes, purses, shoes, and on and on... but are those really their best options? Tax refunds are somewhat unplanned amounts of cash coming back into your bank account, and are really unnecessary, in my opinion, because it's already your own moneythat you just receive back as a refund, without any interest, of course.  I know you would be all over the bank if you left your money in there all year and at the end of the year you made a withdrawal and received no interest on your savings.  Well, that's the way it is with your refund.  But, with a little knowledge, you could do better.  You can control your own moneys during the year; making investments for the future or paying down debt are great ways to better your financial future. Here is what you should do with your tax refund....big or small.

First, take 10%, and buy whatever you want. Splurge. You deserve it. Not only will it make you feel good, but it will keep you in good spirits and focused with what you're going to do with the rest.

“ Black Bloggers Connect: BHM Entry“ Black History Month: It's Useful and Fair

In 1926, it was announced that the second week of February to be, what was then, "Negro History Week". This week was chosen by historian, journalist, and Ph.D graduate of Harvard,  Carter G. Woodson and, what is now, the Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH), because it marked the birthdays of both the 16th President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln (February 12, 1809) and social reformer and orator, Frederick Douglass (February, 1818). 

Woodson established the ASALH as a non-profit organization in Chicago on September 9, 1915, to get Black Americans into the nation's history and dedicating it to the study and appreciation of African-American History.  Later incorporated in Washington, D.C. on October 2, 1915 as the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History (ASNLH) by Woodson and black minister and community leader, Jesse E. Moorland. 

Woodson took on this initiative, because while studying, he was disturbed to find that history books largely ignored the black American population, and when blacks did figure into the picture, it was generally in ways that reflected the inferior social position they were assigned at the time.  So, while participating in the fiftieth anniversary of the Emancipation in Chicago, in 1915, he recognized the interest and long awaiting lines of people wanting to see the exhibits of the achievements of which blacks had made since slavery and wanted to do more.

Nutritionwise: Adopting a Meatless Monday Routine

Go meatless...just one day a week, cut out the meat.  Adopting a Meatless Monday routine is a relaxed and fun way to introduce vegetarian meals to your family.  Just one day a week, going meatless may reduce your risk of chronic preventable conditions like cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and obesity. It can also help reduce your carbon footprint and save precious resources like fresh water and fossil fuel. Going meatless, just one day a week, is just a more thoughtful or mindful way of eating. Just that tiny step of going meat-free one day a week can make a big impact on your and your family's health, and the health of the global environment.

Participate in the Meatless Monday poll below!

Check out this week's Meatless Monday recipes.

Get on board and spread the Meatless Monday Movement!

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Do you go meatless at least one day a week?....check below!

Nutritionwise: Healthy Cooking Methods for Optimum Nutrition

Do you realize that the cooking methods you choose could negatively impact the nutritional benefits of your meal? The nutrients in our foods are very important to us.  They build and repair our tissues, regulate our body processes and are converted to and used as immediate energy...a miracle, spiritually speaking.  And our bodies look for them as we eat.  But, cooking  foods, especially vegetables and fruits using high heat, water, or both can destroy some of their nutrients. Heat, from a cooking method can break down and destroy about 15 to 30 percent of some vitamins in vegetables.  Raw foodists, who favor primarily unprocessed and unheated food, or food cooked to a temperature less than 104 °F to 115 °F, have believed this for a while and chooses to go the uncooked route for meals. They claim that uncooked food maintains all of it’s nutritional value and supports optimal health. But, don't fret, other studies suggest certain foods actually benefit from some heating. With carrots, spinach, and tomatoes, for example, heat facilitates the release of antioxidants, which are the nutrients in our foods that breaks down and repair any damaging cell walls, whereby providing an easier passage of the healthy components from food to our body...keeping our immune system healthy. There are many cooking methods, but below are some of the healthiest.

Personal Finance: The New Home Office Deduction Method

With the inception of the Internet, home-based businesses have been growing at high margins and redefined what it means to have a home-based business and related recent years the process had become so cumbersome, many people who probably would have benefited, did not take the deduction.  Well, guess what, The IRS has announced a new alternative rule change that simplifies the calculation of the home office deduction for the 2013 tax year. Under the terms of Revenue Procedure 2013-13, which the IRS calls the “safe harbor” method, taxpayers are now able, as of January 1, 2013, to easily calculate their 2013 deduction for their home office; just multiply the square footage of the area of your home that you use strictly for business purposes by the prescribed rate ($5 per square foot) and Voila! You have your tax deduction....up to $1,500.

The Inner Path: The Power of Our Words

Thousands of words pour out of our mouths daily, freely expressing our thoughts and opinions.  However, we're rarely aware to the positive or negative effect they have on ourselves and the people around us, at least not consciously, anyway.  But, words give out energy and a message which creates a reaction in others.  And, it all begins with a thought. Our thoughts have tremendous effect on us even though they're internal. What we think, effects our emotions, our attitudes and our behavior. A thought spoken, however, has even more can't ever be taken back; it's been said and will have an effect. 
Think of your words like a boomerang, the reaction often returns in a multiplied form..... if you speak words of judgement to someone they will judge you back, probably with more intensity since their judgement has the pain or anger, caused by your words, attached to it....get it.  Whereas words of kindness and acceptance will generate a warm and appreciative reaction in a person...